Happy February! time to weave…

Hi Everyone,
Happy February, the month to hibernate and do what it is you like to do around the house.. hopefully, some of you have been taking a bit of time to weave milk bag mats. 

Portable mat

So far this month we have sent 219 mats to people in need. Our mats have gone to 3 areas, downtown Toronto, Canadian Food for Children to be shipped overseas and some to the Philippines. One of our weavers put me in contact with a lady who works with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce. Due to typhoons in these islands, there are many who are left with nothing but the clothes on their back. I am very happy to give mats to these people as they gather things to ship overseas. Take a look at the photo below to see the devastation a typhoon causes. 

Pick up your bags day will be on Wednesday, February 16th. Remember, if the weather is not good, we can postpone bag pick up when it is a better day and more convenient. 
Remember ..  boxes of bags can also be picked up at Canadian Food for Children. Their address is 1258 Lakeshore Rd. E. in Mississauga. Please note, they are only open Monday to Friday from 8 AM until noon. NO afternoon pick ups or drop offs. 
Stay safe and warm, and hope to see you on Feb 16th with mats in exchange for more milk bags,
