Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all well. You know the saying… “April showers bring May flowers”.. our gardens should be beautiful this year with all the rain we are getting; I guess the ground needs it!
I can’t top last month’s newsletter, but the emails I received back from you about the April newsletter were so up-lifting. I too am happy to see the people in Zimbabwe take on this project to help them support their families. This was my plan all along, to get people working so they could be self-sufficient in life.
I am also happy to know the milk bag weavers in Ottawa are getting support from Brinks. Another load of mats was picked up this past week from crocheters and weavers in their city, to have them delivered to Canadian Food for Children in Mississauga. Getting things from one city to another was difficult, and having Brinks support between Ottawa and Mississauga is wonderful.
My news is sparce this month, but just know, we are still a great team helping people who are in need. So far this year we have sent 2447 mats here and abroad. If you want to drop off mats and pick up bags from my home, just send me an email and I will make sure to help you. You can also deliver mats and pick up bags from Canadian Food for Children. They are located at 1258 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga. Remember, they are only open Monday to Friday from 8 AM until noon. They are NOT open afternoons or weekends.
“Pick up your Bags Day,” has been temporarily postponed; just email me if you need bags or want to drop off mats. I’m always around and can leave boxes of bags outside my garage for you. You can also drop off mats and I will make sure they get to CFFC.
Stay well, and hope we get warm spring days soon.