Fall is on the doorstep …time to stock up!

Hi Everyone, 

Hope you are well. 

Some sad news to share; one of our weavers has passed away, however, he passed on a legacy to his friends. Dennis Jones, was a man who I met many years ago. At the time he was living in his own home and then went to live at the Glynnwood Retirement Home. He took with him the knowledge of how to make the milk bag mats, and his little group started working every Wednesday morning. Soon afterwards they started to make mats with their families who visited them on Saturday afternoons. A lady named Doris loved the weaving and Dennis and Doris became a team. As Dennis became weaker, Doris became the powerhouse for the group. This amazing group of seniors built friendships in their work and had a wonderful time. They have made over 2000 mats, making about  30 per month. I hope one of Dennis’ family reads this and knows how much we will all miss him and thank him for the legacy of the project that Doris leads at Glynnwood. 

Also, another member of our group, has been placed into a home due to dementia. Wendy, was one of our original mat makers when we started making mats in 2009. Wendy made between 20 to 25 mats a month for about 13 years. Her son brought all her supplies to me a couple weeks ago. Yesterday, I made a mat with Wendy’s cut bags. I will miss you Wendy. 

So far this year we have sent 4177 mats to people in need. Thank you. 

Our next pick up your bags day will be on Wednesday, September 6th.  I have lots of bags in my garage and you are welcome to as many boxes as you need. If you can’t make it on this day, just let me know and I will make sure you get what you need by leaving them outside my garage for you to pick up at your convenience. You can also get bags from Canadian Food for Children at 1258 Lakeshore Rd. E. Mississauga. They are open Monday to Friday from 8 AM until noon.. NO AFTERNOONS OR WEEKENDS. 

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and happy weaving, 
