Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful fall weather. A highlight of a walk I took a couple weeks ago was to see salmon swimming up the Humber River to spawn.. What a beautiful sight to see these huge fish swimming upstream.Our milk bag weaving continues, and so far this year we have donated 5130 mats for people who are in need of a soft carpet to sleep on. If you need bags, please email me and let me know. I will not be having a specific day for pick up, but I can definitely give you what you need if you let me know.
You can also get bags at Canadian Food for Children at 1258 Lakeshore Rd. E in Mississauga. They are open Monday to Friday 8 AM until noon, but NOT in the afternoon or on weekends. The volunteers at CFFC are happy to help you get boxes of bags into your vehicle.

We also have the help of volunteers in Stouffville who like to cut and tie bags into weaving strips. I have several bags of strips in my garage and if you Love to Weave.. like I do, why not come and pick up some garbage bags full of strips so you can skip the prep work and weave right away.
Stay well, and email your bag requests, I’m happy to help,