Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all well. The month of March has been busy, and I want to share a few things with you to encourage you in your efforts.
1. I was successful in getting a van load of mats to a charity sending supplies to Poland, for the Ukrainian Refugees fleeing from the devastating attack on their country. Finding this charity was not easy. I called about 5 charities and was told that they only accept money. Shipping is very expensive, so they collect money, then buy and ship the supplies from places in Europe. After many phone calls, one organization here in Toronto was sending supplies and they said yes to taking our mats. So, I stuffed my van with big adult sized mats and off I went. The place where they were packing up the supplies was at a huge Convention Center… the food, clothing, toys, medical supplies, and military supplies were coming in by the truck-loads. Our mats were accepted, but they said due to the huge cost of shipping this would be all they would take. I am grateful that they took what I had.
2. Last year a lady named Rose approached me saying she was going to Zimbabwe and wanted to teach the ladies she was visiting how to weave mats. She went to Canadian Food for Children, got bags, and then shipped them with other supplies that she was sending. The shipment got there a few weeks ago, Rose went to Zimbabwe and started to teach the women how to make the mats. The women love making the mats and have now not only donated mats to families who need them, but have sold two for $10 each, and with the money, one family can now afford to send their kids to school. I am so happy. Look below and you will see a video of the women weaving and a picture of one of the mats they made. I’ve been told that since this was so successful, they want 2 skids (70 boxes) of bags to ship in a container Rose plans to send a few months from now.

Finished mat made by the Zimbabwe ladies
Our mat count so far for this year is 1023… Way to Go!! Our next pick up your bags day will be on Wednesday, April 6th. If this day does not work for you, let me know and we will arrange another day that is more convenient. You can also pick up bags at Canadian Food for Children at 1258 Lakeshore Rd. E. Mississauga. Just remember, they are only open Monday to Friday from 8 AM until Noon. 4. We have a frame to donate from at a school in Markham. If you would like to have it, let me know and I will connect you with the teacher.

That’s it for this month, stay well and keep up your good work.
Here is a quote I found and liked: “ The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. “